Saturday, July 31, 2010

This magnificent outcropping is called Cathedral Rock. Another angle shows organ-pipe like structure, but I wanted to include the water of the reservoir. It was first built to be the town of Cimarron's water supply, but was never used for that. Instead, it is alive with trout, and the reflections it holds are breath taking. What we see is at least two hundred feet high, I don't know exactly.
This is near Hunting Lodge, a preserved outpost of Waite and Genevieve Phillips, although he wasn't much of a hunter. They had parties there, and guests who were hunters stayed there. The last grizzly bear was killed on the property in 1938, the year Phillips donated the first 35,000 acres to the BSA. The house is amazingly bear-proof, with heavy doors even on the interior, and special door openers that a thumbless bear could not negotiate. There are black bear claw marks on the back door from 2008. Yikes! A little more...

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