Monday, July 26, 2010

"Congratulations! You're a chaplain's aide - pick out the softest rock and have a seat." And they do. Then I give them the lowdown on what the chaplain staff does. They, however, are now youth spiritual leaders for their crews. They get a white pack tag (something of a prize), which is filled with info on how to do their job. From there, I greet a gathering of all their advisors, highlighting some of the same information, and encouraging them to support these young people, especially in encouraging their whole crew to earn the "Duty To God" award - a unique Philmont creation. It is another important way that Scouts live up to the 12th of the Scout laws, "A Scout is reverent."
In a couple of days I have the opportunity to lead a crew in a devotion at 5:30 am, watching the sun rise from Window Rock. How I merited that duty has something to do with being the new guy, I'm pretty sure.

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