Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The area around the camp Miranda is meadow ringed with Ponderosa Pine and Aspen trees. We stopped for a third stop with our little touring group and accumulated a sick camper, needing to go to the health lodge (which is now a licensed NM health care facility). News is he'll be ready to go back on the trail tomorrow - usually works out that way, thankfully.

The day was topped by a family of five deer, including a fawn, skirting our worship service - two were approaching and staring at me as I read the Genesis 1:24ff passage about God creating all the creatures. It was a big hit with the assembled faithful.

I've led services 4/5 nights, due to some schedule tweaking. I only have about four more opportunities. I count it a high privilege to lead such services. My continuing study of St. Francis was enhanced by visiting "his" basillica in Santa Fe earlier this week. I used the canticle on which our hymn, "All Creatures Of Our God and King" is based - and the hymn, too!


  1. Did we stay there once? I think I remember seeing some deer in that field.

  2. That's where we returned the burro, so yes, I think we were there for awhile, but think we went on to nearby Ewell's Park, getting ready to "summit" the great Bald One.
